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Harrison Mixbus 2.0

Harrison has announced the availability of version 2.0 of its Mixbus progressive workstation, which includes an integrated "analog-style" mixer along with an editor, based on open-source development.

Ben Loftis, the Mixbus Product Manager, says that based on customer comments Mixbus can now act “more like a standalone console and tape machine, with the immediacy that normally only occurs with a piece of hardware, ” and features “advanced editing that ”feels" like their previous workstation."


Loftis adds that the creators of Mixbus has been “compiling users’ comments and incorporating those ideas into Mixbus, sometimes incorporating code changes that were sent directly from users.” Through this process, they say they’ve added dozens of features and fixes that were requested by mixers in every genre.


Mixbus now includes 8 stereo mixbuses, on-screen plugin effect controls, and new mixer layout options. By bringing some previously-hidden controls to the mixer surface, Mixbus supposedly feels more like a dedicated mixing console. Version 2.0 also includes editing features designed to make it more comfortable for editors using other pro audio software.  New features such as “Smart” and “Ripple” editing modes are included.

System Availability:

  • Mac:  Intel or PPC, 32-bit or 64-bit, OSX 10.4.11 or later
  • Linux:  most Intel 32-bit or 64-bit distributions are supported
  • Windows:   under development


Pricing & Availability:

Price: $219  direct download from mixbus.harrisonconsoles.com.

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