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Magix Samplitude SE

All user reviews for the Magix Samplitude SE

General Sequencer from Magix belonging to the Samplitude series

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  • Aymeric22Aymeric22

    Magix Samplitude SEPublished on 09/13/07 at 06:24
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Simple installation, no problem.
    Not need the manual (fortunately, 580 pages ...)
    Import patterns of EZ Drummer (drag and drop) possible.


    512 MB Ram on my computer, train a bit if too many VST both ...
    No problem of stability.


    I use it for two days, and happy to have found it!
    I used small squenceurs until now (type ...), but to the audacity of NCESS manage the drum patterns, particularly important since the EZ Drummer or Addictive Drums (sound worse but better patterns), I have to spend a squenceur more "pro".
    APRS trying Cubase, Pro Tools, etc ... and not Russian the master quickly, I turned to this version of Samplit…
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    Simple installation, no problem.
    Not need the manual (fortunately, 580 pages ...)
    Import patterns of EZ Drummer (drag and drop) possible.


    512 MB Ram on my computer, train a bit if too many VST both ...
    No problem of stability.


    I use it for two days, and happy to have found it!
    I used small squenceurs until now (type ...), but to the audacity of NCESS manage the drum patterns, particularly important since the EZ Drummer or Addictive Drums (sound worse but better patterns), I have to spend a squenceur more "pro".
    APRS trying Cubase, Pro Tools, etc ... and not Russian the master quickly, I turned to this version of Samplitude SE enchant me.
    Getting Started IMMEDIATE trs intuitive (the management must be subject to many) found insctinctivement everything you want to do one or two clicks.
    I import MIDI tracks (you can easily edit) which I apply VST instruments bass, drums, synth etc ...
    And within minutes I have my 4 or 5 runs without problem.

    Perfect for beginners and even more, to be limited by the need squenceur dj pro job to do.
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  • Anonymous

    Magix Samplitude SEPublished on 02/14/08 at 00:24
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Software quite exceptional and agree as to the professional who wants to 8 / 8 at the amateur enthusiast. Software trouble-free, range Samplitude.
    FX comes with demos that actually work perfectly ^ ^ Thanks magix

    In my opinion it should not even hesitate a second. I own apps paid much more expensive ago 2 / 3 years, and I just concentrated on Samplitude. If the software was not enough one day (that would be amazing) I would spend on Sat Pro.


    - Dual core 3 GB RAM XP Pro
    - No worries, it's really no Samplitude without problems, it is solid. Impeccable.


    - I found this SAMSE 9 is in …
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    Software quite exceptional and agree as to the professional who wants to 8 / 8 at the amateur enthusiast. Software trouble-free, range Samplitude.
    FX comes with demos that actually work perfectly ^ ^ Thanks magix

    In my opinion it should not even hesitate a second. I own apps paid much more expensive ago 2 / 3 years, and I just concentrated on Samplitude. If the software was not enough one day (that would be amazing) I would spend on Sat Pro.


    - Dual core 3 GB RAM XP Pro
    - No worries, it's really no Samplitude without problems, it is solid. Impeccable.


    - I found this SAMSE 9 is in an English magazine Computer Music, this version was also distributed in a German magazine (Keyboard)
    - To € 49.99 on the site Samplitude, Samplitude Classic alongside and pro

    I recommend strongly.
    To begin well in Samplitude.

    Available, except in exceptional offers listed journals (none is French.)
    only the site of Magix Samplitude is the professional website.

    Product resolutely professional to classify samplitude. Music Studio is still a highly public. MS may be used in addition.

    Samplitude SE has less functionality (in quantity) but will run the sessions work without any problem.
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