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Steinberg Announces Windows 7, Snow Leopard Support

Steinberg has announced the release of compatibility updates for Windows 7 and Snow Leopard operating systems for all Cubase 5 products and more.
This means Cubase 5, Studio 5, Nuendo 4, VST instruments, etc.* are all officially compatible with the newest operating systems for both Windows and Mac platforms.

You can order your upgrade or full version now at SteinbergUpgrades.com or SteinbergShop.com.

Updates are available to registered users at www.Steinberg.net We thank you for your patience and support during this testing and updating process.

*Wavelab 6 support for W7 coming Q1, 2010. (Wavelab 6 is not Mac-compatible).
*GA3, TG3, HSO, Halion Player support for 10.6 coming Q1 2010.

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