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Total newbie, digital multitrack recorder vs. computer-based?

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Topic Total newbie, digital multitrack recorder vs. computer-based?

My 18-year-old budding Jimmi Hendrix has asked me to purchase a digital multitrack recorder from Ebay (Fostex FV80EX) for him and his garage band.

Looks like a neat system, but a short visit here indicates people using computers versus these types of units.

Here's the question:

Should I get him this unit to start with, or a computer-based system?
If computer-based, please provide links or info on how to get started.

Thanks in advance for any information.
Its a tough choice.A digital multi is excellent for a band set-up. Just plug in,set your volume and go. There is also a lot of people(me included) that use multi track and p.c for post production, its a matter of prefference. I use a Zoom hd16 multi track and is excellent for recording a band , up to 8 at once. Id say all in one multi tracks are also a little more user friendly and can be easier to get started but most are deep enough to get even better results if you put in the time and effort. Hope this helps.