TopicPosted on 11/05/2007 at 08:33:35Is this latency ?
When recording a guitar or bass track as a single 3+ minute take, it sounds great as I lay it down, but when I play it back its all out of time. Its starts out great at the beginning of the song, but the further into the song I go it gets progressilvely worse and by the end of the song the track is out by several measures.
Is this latency at work ?
What can be done to fix it ?
P.S. This occurs in both cakewalk and ACID software.
Thanks in Advance
New AFfiliate
Member 16 years ago
2Posted on 11/07/2007 at 06:49:26
With some help from Beagle here's the fix:
Your software and sound card must be running at the same sampling rate.
Cakewalk can run at 11025 Hz, 22050 Hz, 44100 Hz, and 48000 Hz. The default 44100 Hz