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some basic explanation needed

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Topic some basic explanation needed
I am trying to record playback from a laptop and a voice/sax
I have normal mixer, shure sm58(want to buy beta57). Normal monitors and Sony MDR-V600 headphones.
I take out from mixer and connect it to the PC sound card (sure I need some pro interface). I tried few comercial softs and now I use AUDACITY.

My question:
I cannot get a recording balance that is "mirrored" to what I hear in the headphones.
I tried many tricks. On my recording a voice is "stuffed" and playback is bright or when I get normal voice
a balance of playback is low.

For now recording level is depended on my cheap sound card.

Please suggest what piece of equipment I need to solve a problem. I preffer computer recording.
May be you will suggest not pc solution for recording. I need to record 2 sources.
Voice and ready playback.
