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Thread MIDI Recording, SONAR 5, Adapter Questions. Any help appreciated.

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Topic MIDI Recording, SONAR 5, Adapter Questions. Any help appreciated.
I've just recently gotten into recording (or gotten into it with an actual goal this time around) and have a few questions. First: Why is MIDI so much better? As in I can apply effects to a WAVE recording or an MP3/OGG recording for that matter, but why is MIDI preffered? I also learned you can change the instruments right over the files after recording them but how so? I have SONAR 5 and am quite confused by the vast number of options and not being able to find anything I'm looking for in particular. I am reading the manual and such but any tips would be nice as I might be here a while. Next, if I do choose to go buy a card that supports MIDI, any good deals like lets say OK quality for under $100? $150. And my built in card might even have support (through the joystick) but I can't find an adapter, any clue where I could find that? Thanks very much in advance ANYTHING will help, and I'll keep searching for answers. Andy.