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Thread Don't you just hate bands advertising themselves?

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Topic Don't you just hate bands advertising themselves?
So why did you click on this thread? :P

Nah just kidding, this isn't really advertising... more of a request for

Hello home studio forum,

My name is ohad and I play in a band called missFlag.

We've started playing together only a little over a year ago, and have just
finished recording our first E.P, consisting of 5 songs. Right now we're on
the way to recording our first album, which will be produced by a very good
producer from L.A.

At this stage, we are very much in need of as much feedback on our music as
possible. We are extremely grateful for any honest criticism, whether it be
positive or negative.

Every single comment we get helps us get a better picture of how people
react to our music, and what we need to do in order to improve our music and
make sure our album will be as good as it can possibly be.

We realize asking for help on forums without being part of the community can
be found annoying... but it is one of the only ways we could think of to
reach as many people as possible. As already stated, this is not spam, we
are not trying to advertise ourselves, but rather to get as much feedback as
possible. We apologise if this is the wrong forum to post such a request on.

So please, if any of you have a few minutes to spare, it would mean a lot to
us if you could hear even one of our songs, and comment about it.. either on
this thread or the E-mail address missFlag.feedb...@gmail.com .

Our website is www.missFlag.com <http://www.missflag.com/> (the
music streams automatically on the home page).

Thanks in advance,