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Thread M-Audio Audiophile 192 Questions

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Topic M-Audio Audiophile 192 Questions
Hey all,

Recently my birthday passed and I recieved a gift from my cousin and that gift was of course M-Audio Audiophile 192. Now I don't know what this does so bare with me. When it comes to hardware, I am pretty stupid about these things. Anyway, he told me that this piece of hardware will improve my music production and mixing better. So I figured I will try it out and let me tell you, it's a bit confusing. I managed to get it installed and running with sound coming out but I can't get my midi controller to work with my DAW (fruityloops). That's just one of many questions but my real question is what can you really do and how good is this AP192? Thanks!
i use one and think they are great iv never had a problem with it so stick with it