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Thread Would i need a separate MIXER if I have a Cubase?

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Topic Would i need a separate MIXER if I have a Cubase?
Hi, I know little about recording and even less about computers. And I am trying to set up a home studio! Basically, i want to record electric and acoustic guitars, drum machine.

So far, I’ve got an m-audio FireWire 410 and a windows xp laptop. I also have a condenser mic. I may have got an Ableton software along with the M-audio but anyway I’ll probably get a cubase or a nuendo.

What I need to know:

I am not sure if I need a separate mixer if I already have a Cubase/Nuendo. If I do, which are cheap & best?

Also, I am not sure how many/what type of speakers I should get for the studio. I've heard KRK Systems have good speakers.

Also, my computer doesn’t have a firewire port. So how can I connect the M-Audio to the laptop?
