TopicPosted on 10/23/2006 at 07:50:23amp for a mic ? pa system ??? cant hear voxs
alright im in this band right now we have a couple of songs but when we jam all together we cant hear the singer i mean he is in a 150 watt peavy amp ?? and we still cant hear him. does any one know any LOUD pa systems or amps that are cheap that we could buy ??????? ( fyi its screamo stuff )
- Ryan
AFfluent Poster
Member 18 years ago
2Posted on 10/23/2006 at 07:22:46
are you using a guitar amp for voice rehersals?
if so, no wonder you can't hear a thing.
get a (any) 300watt active speaker and a small mixer, and there you go! (watch 4 feedbacks..)