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Newbie looking for suggestions on what to do??

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Topic Newbie looking for suggestions on what to do??
This might require a long reply, but i looked through the first page of the newbie forum and didn't see anyting that would pertain to my questions.

I would like to start to learn how to play the guitar. With today's technology i know it is possible to connect to a PC. If you connect to your PC do you still need to buy an AMP? Also are there programs out there that will distort and change the sound of the guitar to make it sound like rock songs? ie. Metallica, Megadeath, Ozzy and so forth?

Basically what would it take or can it be done? I have been searching online for about 2 hours for information and have come up with lots of ideas, but i am still confused on these subjects.

Also what is a good program to use to learn to play the guitar?

Any answers are greatly appreciated!!


Windows XP
P4 1.8
768 RAM
Soundblaster Audigy sound card ( i have 1 Line in jack, 1 microphone Jack and a SB1394 Port ) i have no idea what that port is for
I have a Creative Labs 5.1 digital surround speaker setup, i think these would be ok for sound with a connected guitar?

Yeah, buying an interface for your guitar would work on the computer. There are many different programs out there for manipulating the guitar sounds on your computer. I think one of them is Guitar Amp Pro. A good website to look for these programs would be www.musiciansfriend.com or www.americanmusical.com

Since your just starting out on the guitar, I would reccommend that you just get the guitar with a small practice amp (they have distortion, just bad distortion). That way you can see if you like the guitar, and start developing an ear for what kind of sound you would like to achieve. This solution would be alot cheeper than buying a USB guitar interface for your computer (I don't believe you should use the line in/ mic jacks on your soundcard simpily because an electric guitar's output is a very loud signal, and I'm pretty sure its best to buy an interface suited for guitar, to avoid clipping--Line6 probably makes one of these for about $100). That also leaves you with buying a decent guitar amp plug-in for your computer, which can be very expensive. The Line6 probably comes with one, and that might get you started.

Also remember that if you put it on your computer, you won't be able to take it somewhere other than your room, which could turn out to be a limiting factor.

So I think you can get a computer amp for about the same price as a guitar starter package, but i don't think i would reccomend it.
