TopicPosted on 10/15/2005 at 08:06:10M-Audio Delta 1010LT
sorry for the stupid question: can any one tell to which conector i can connect my speakers and do i need ay kind of amplifier or can i coonct the speakers direct to my sound card?
AFfable Poster
Member 18 years ago
2Posted on 10/16/2005 at 06:40:02
I meant ofek1000's speakers, since he's the one asking the question
If you don't have a small mixer, I'd recommend one. It'll make life easier.
If you don't though, I'd hook the speakers to the Audio Out 1 and 2 connectors. You may need some adaptor(s) to make the connection. Then you can use the MAudio control panel to route your audio to the Audio 1 and 2 Outs.