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Thread Using Redrum

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Topic Using Redrum
Hi! I am a real newbie with alot of programs to digest. I am running protools LE with an Mbox, and I am using Live and Reason. I cant seem to fathom how to run Redrum in Protools or even how to configure it within Reason. I think I just hit the overload in my brain and it just isnt making any sense at all to me ........


deer stuck in headlights- :shock:
Part of the problem may be that the ReDrum doesn't lend itself to GM/GS well. Load the TightKit from the factory refill.

Go to the sequencer. Make sure a ReDrum lane is called up. Select 1/16th divisions. Play from the bottom 10 notes of your keyboard. Or click on the drum names at the left side of the drum lane. Can you hear it? Fine have fun.


Opps you don't have a mixer and the ReDrum isn't giving you audio. Then start over!

Create a mixer first. When you create the ReDrum it will automatically be connected. Press to see the connections.


To program patterns select each sound in turn. The big white select button at the bottom of each ReDrum channel. Click RUN or start the transport.
Now click on the big square lighted pushbuttons along the bottom row. Kicks on 1 and 9 say. Hi-Hat on every other one. Snare on 5 and 13. There you have a very basic beat.