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Thread Slicing the music

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Topic Slicing the music

Can anybody tell me how for example if I want to take an .MP3 song and split all the different instrument in the song so that I can take only the song without any music or anything. It's like slicing the music to it's different beats.

Any software out there that can do that ?


Quote: Hi,

Can anybody tell me how for example if I want to take an .MP3 song and split all the different instrument in the song

You mean: splitting an already downmixed Track into its several individual tracks it was mixed of?

so that I can take only the song without any music or anything.

whithout any music... hmmmmmm ;-|

Any software out there that can do that ?

Given, you really want to backengeneer a downmixed song, i do not think so. But there are progs to extract the leading Voice from a Song and thus get an instrumental for Karaoke-use and you can fiddle with Equalizers and Delays to get Versions with specific instruments louder than in the original track but not completely seperated.
There is a program called ReCycle that "may" allow you to split out individual beats from a music loop. Ie take a 4 or eight bar section and put it in a .wav file. Then load it into ReCycle.

ReCycle will load in .WAV or .AIF files up to 5 min long.

This program creats .RX2, .SF2, .TRK, .INS, .AKP, .WAV, or .AIF files. As well as .MID files for play back from a sampler.

So if you were using MixMan you could play with the beats.