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Thread help recording music from stereo to my laptop

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Topic help recording music from stereo to my laptop
can anyone tell ne if xp home has software to record music from my stereo using the microphone input?? thanks
in the start menu, choose programs, then accessories, then choose entertainment, the click on sound recorder...

once you open it choose edit, then sound/audio properties, and you can select where you record from be it the line in, or mic in....

use line in if you can, youll need a Y-cable though, which has left and right on one end to connect to the output of your stereo, and a single 1/8 inch jack on the other which goes into the line in of your soundcard
I have the same problem, I can oly record 60 seconds so this is no good!

It looks like software is required.
shit, youre right oly 60


check out audio mulch, free software, lotsa options, you can record with it, and do many other things.... if you guys need help figuring it out, just ask, ive been using it for a few years, just for the hell of it :)