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Thread Digitech RP50 + Generic Power Supply

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Sujet de la discussion Digitech RP50 + Generic Power Supply
I was told by the storeperson that I could use a generic power supply for my digitech RP50, and he sold me one which he said would work. It worked, but i dont want to risk using it for prolonged periods, because on the back of my pedal it says 9v 300mA, whereas the power supply says 9v 500mA.

Will this cause any problems?
Not a problem.

Just means the power supply is MORE capable than needed. Voltage is the critical number with Amps being a size.

Too small and it won't power the unit fully and will run hot and probably burn out. Too large and you waste money and it won't fit on the power-strip. Avoid going more than 2 or 3 times the Amp rating as the voltage may not pull down to the rated.

This looks like a fairly good match.