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Thread Ins and Outs

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I just got my Behringer UB1202 mixer, and I have read the manual twice. What I am trying to determine is the best set-up for getting my analog audio signal (from acoustic instruments through mics into mixer) into my SB Audigy sound card (yes, I know I have to upgrade that soon).

The mixer has stereo "main outs" (1/4"), stereo "control room outs" (1/4") and stereo "tape outs" (RCA). I am guessing that the best way to get the signal from the mixer to the sound card is to come out of the "tape out" RCAs into the 1/8" miniplug line in on the card. If this is true, why is this the best way? If not, what is the best way? From the manual, I can't make head or tail of what the main and control room outs are for.

Also, is there any advantage to bringing the output of the sound card back through the mixer, running speakers or headphones out of the mixer, rather than straight out of the sound card?

Thanks a lot.

Paul S.
Depending on your setup:

use the tape-out to connect to the line-in on the soundcard. (this should give you 1v p2p which is what is required by the soundcard)

Run the line-out into the tape-in You can use this to preview your stuff.

Run the Main-outs to your amp

Unless you really want to use the monitor forget these connections

when recording, make sure you put the mix 'to-tape' otherwise you wont get anything :-)

Alternatively, you can link the main-out to the soundcard (just watch the levels)

The behringer is a flexible desk, you will probably reconfigure a few times until you are happy with what you've got. Even then you may want to reconfigure for 'specials'
