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Thread I need a Mixing board

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Topic I need a Mixing board
So i'm putting together my first home studio. I'm looking at mixing boards here and i want to spend about 500 bucks. I'm looking at the Eurodesk SL2442FX-PRO Mixer you can check it out here


what do you guys think of this mixing board? Is it a good value or should i be looking for a better price?

What would you buy with a $500 mixing board budget?[/url]
On a lark, I did a search for any user and/or magazinereviews on this board. I was on page 3 of google before I gave up.

The reason? Behringer makes cheap audio products that sound ok and are great for beginners. The operative word here is cheap. There are recording pros who stay away from Behringer because they sound cheap. The mic pres tend to sound brittle, and they're not that durable in the long run. My personal experience with a Behringer product is with a venue's guitar amp that just couldn't deliver during the gig.

That being said, I've seen the boards used in less critical situations, live p.a. for churches and parties. But for serious recording? I think you'd better look elsewhere.
I've got two of their mixers, and I think they're the best bang for the buck out there. They're not pro, but the pre's sound very decent and so far I've had no reliability issues. If you're just planning on using it as the main mixer in your home studio, I think they are great.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD