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Thread Recording ReDrum in ProTools LE

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Topic Recording ReDrum in ProTools LE
I have one question - How exactly do you record ReDrum as a Audio Track into ProTools LE ? Can anyone walk me thru setting it up?


Iccus :?
Well I don't have Pro Tools yet but you need to get ReWired first.
Quit out of Reason then.
Follow the Rewire instructions at the props site.


If the ReDrum is all you will be using you just need the stereo channel. If you will be using synths also then set up for multiple mono channels. It will take 2 mono channels and 2 tracks (I believe) in Pro Tools for each stereo instrument.

After these are recorded you can put the 2 mono tracks together for a stereo track.

Once the Reason stuff is recorded you won't need Rewire, but I believe most people stay rewired till they have a final mix ie don't record Reason just mix it in.

Now to get the ReDrum connected if its one stereo channel it goes straight to the 1 & 2 channels. If its multiple mono connect the cables on the back of the rack (the TAB key will flip the rack). Take the left and right outputs from each Reason synth to the hardware interface channels from channel 3 upward.

If you already have midi drum tracks you have 2 choices. Import the midi file to Reason OR Rewire.

In either case you will probably want one of the NN-XT GM drumkits, as the ReDrum is not GM/GS friendly.

I keep a keymap of the GM drum map handy for re-assigning ReDrum parts.