TopicPosted on 10/20/2008 at 23:24:28Converters, Interface, CLOCKING
Hey there, im new. Hope this question is legit.
I have been playing guitar for 11 years, teaching for 4.
I want to start my own recording business. I used to record in a studio so i know how to use logic. but i have no idea about any technical hardware stuff. Its hard to find specific information because every description out there are for people who already know their stuff.
I want to know what exactly is D/A and A/D, and word clocking.
I was going to buy a Apogee Duet, but was referred to the Apogee Ensemble. what does this do exactly?
I used to send my guitar to my laptop via EMU 1616m but that was terrible and i returned it in a month (too much latency). please help
Honorific member
Member 22 years ago
2Posted on 10/21/2008 at 00:09:57
Hello, and welcome !
Can you tell us exactly what you need ? How many tracks do you want to record the same time ? And what is your budget.
Latency may be a problem, but indeed, if you want to record microphones and mic-level sources, you need a good amp and converters.
D/A and A/D are for converters d= digital and A = analog. usually a convertor will convert from one of these to the other. like a guitar signal (analog) into a digital format (onto your computer for example.
But in my band my drummer has a 12+ piece drum set
we have vocals, i play bass, and 2nd guitars
that is for the recording bit.
I also wish to perform live. For a live setting i wish to go solo or have only 1 extra track. (i dont mind heavy gear so you dont have to refer me to "portable" stuff) quality counts.
I was not clear about the budget part, i apologize. I wish to make this a part time business. So budget in total should be around under 12k (taxes included. i am in canada) i have a macbook pro but i wish to get a mac pro which will destroy half my budget.
i have a dilemma for studio speakers. i demoed KRK VXT4 and i love it. but i'm considering VXT6 just to be safe. the studio is in my basement and its a small one. but i dont want to be stuck if i end up relocating.
Would i have to get a "interface" AND a "converter"