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I want to be a music producer but don't know where to start

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Topic I want to be a music producer but don't know where to start
I need to know of some websites for information about how to get around a recording studio ie what everything does and its purpose. Also I am looking to buy a keyboard in the very near future because from what i've learned so far, the keyboard is generally a decent place to start, i should have at least $1000 to spend by the latter part of January, and I would like know in what direction I should go. What I want to do as a profession is to create beats for rappers, hip hop artists, r&b and pop, but I also want to create my own music such as techno beats and I also want to record actual bands that use instruments. I can play the guitar somewhat and I am taking lessons AGAIN to relearn everything I have forgotten, I have also taken some piano lessons and I am jumping on that bandwagon again also. So any information anyone has would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks! :bravo:
Looks like you've thrown your soul to the life of music there my brother lol.

its good.. its a good feeling and motivation comes mostly from music...

okay... $1000...you already gt yourself a PC/MAC whatever right? well buy a nice simple MIDI controller coz thats all you'l need...

I would advice you to get Reason 4.0. Perfect for your needs... Rnb Hip Hop and especially techno.. it is simply all the fruit you need... maybe even a little bit more.


You should also get a simple keyboard for now to start...always keep a simple eye when it comes to starting bro... i done the and i had not one problem with the cheap keyboard i had. okay... maybe an m-audio Axiom 49.

Semi-weighted keys... trigger pads... daw knobs... you really cant ask much more from a $220 controller.


speakers...tannoys... essential starters.


iv heard em and they sound perfect...trust me. okay thats gonna overflow your budget... but save up... get your keyboard and software first and when u got money for speakers get them. its worth the wait.

Reason 4.0: $400
Midi C: $220
Tannoys: $700

=$ 1320

Hope i was of some help to you bro.
take care and check us out.

Rewind <<
Actually , that's not a bad budget for a starter..

we have spent over 2,000 dlls in equipment.
I brought a lot of my stuff off of e-bay I spent around 1,100, you could find some of it cheaper. Reason 200 axiom 25 was around 100-125 and its a small set-up but it works.