I'm an upcoming producer, and would like some feedback on my hip hop & rnb tracks at http://www.myspace.com/daxmaestroproductions I also do jazz to, so i have some of that up there as well. People that I know say it's hot, and even some that I don't, but I would like the music commnunity on here to keep it real (good or bad) and let me know.
Also, this singer wants to lease some of my material, which we have an agreed upon price, but she also wants me to produce music for her originals, and I have no idea what to charge. Can someone help me out with this?
Dax Maestro
New AFfiliate
Member 16 years ago
2Posted on 01/07/2009 at 10:30:34
Did you start from scratch on everything?
If you're starting, its actually pretty impressive
Altho would recommend, to my likes I mean its just me, but I like to balance everything out. as in pan-wise, if you have a guitar playing all the way to the left, put something else around same level on the right side. if its gonna last around more than 20secs.
Everything else was mixed pretty good..and price, I really dont want to take my word for it, but I've arranged some stuff for this band and charged around 300bucks just to mix their stuff. and charged around 1000ish for arrangements on an orchestra.
depends upon the production time and how she wants it done.
Be a little more specific, I could ask around and tell you a range price.
Keep doing that impressive work!
Life's a hotdog. Sometimes you get ketchup. Sometimes you don't.
New AFfiliate
Member 15 years ago
3Posted on 01/07/2009 at 10:35:13
Thanks! Yeah i did that all myself.. She's an upcoming singer, and she wants to send me lyrics so that I could put music to them, as well as vocal producing (later). So I'm not sure what to do as far as price is concerned..