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Thread How do I get studio quality vocals using Sony Acid Pro 7?

  • 2 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic How do I get studio quality vocals using Sony Acid Pro 7?
You seem to be saying that your vocals don't "sit" in the music properly - I would use some compression on the vocals. Acid has built-in effects (I think) including compression - use one of the compressor's pre-sets like "vocals" and they should better.

You might also try addind a bit of reverb to the whole mix including vocals to "glue" the music to the vocals, then compress.

It's hard for me to to tell exactly what you mean though.
"If you can't be good, you better be careful as I would say..." - The Mighty Poet I-Roy
Well you need studio quality input.

If you record into a $5 mic its not going to do you any good.

I just posted somewhere else talking about the H4 - Handy Recorder thats a great product, but if you cant afford that then try getting a good mic and setting up a quite room.
Well... that was me talking about it before as well.

Here is a vid on Youtube...

and yet another
