TopicPosted on 07/01/2010 at 12:25:18Dosent seem to work???????????
i have just bought a rode nt-1000 microphone, but it does not work with my pc/computer. I have just pluged it in with a regular wire, is there anything else i need to get or do for this to work? I am a total novice. My piece of junk microphone works so i pesume its a power issue? can anybody please help?
ugly boy
New AFfiliate
Member 14 years ago
2Posted on 07/03/2010 at 22:48:49
is it a condencer mic? what interface are you usin to plug it in? if it is a condencer mic well then it needs phantome power. most interfaces would have a phantom power button sometimes labeled as 48V. it should be pressed in so your mic gets the power it needs to work.