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article reactions [Getting started] Introduction to Placing Sounds in Space

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Topic [Getting started] Introduction to Placing Sounds in Space
Introduction to Placing Sounds in Space
The brain is a really amazing tool! In fact, even with our eyes closed we are able to locate the things that surround us as soon as they emit a sound. Fortunately for us, as powerful as it is, the sound analysis of our small brain can be easily tricked in order to create a virtual spatial sensation in our stereo mixes. Here are some ideas that will help you understand better the famous "3D sound" that everyone is talking about.

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It was good to know this trick. I'm good at tweaking the synths and making new sounds. I'm also good at arranging tracks. But my final mix will not at all sound professional as it lacks depth. I would need more such tricks that can make my mix more interesting to listen.