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article reactions [Getting started] Mastering at Home - Part 22

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Topic [Getting started] Mastering at Home - Part 22
Mastering at Home - Part 22
This penultimate article in our series dedicated to mastering at home is surely the one you've all been waiting for. Indeed, today we will talk about a couple of tricks to get a really HUGE sound. But before we start, a brief warning...

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Your articles are incredible, I can't wait for the next installment.
I'm glad to know that these articles are useful :bravo:

Thank you very much !
Indeed they are, and I can tell you I've spent the last 3 years watching tutorials on daws and mixing, and I can sincerely say you imparted more wisdom on me with "guide to mixing" and "the ultimate guide to mastering music from a home studio" articles, than I've obtained watching all these videos, and thanks for explaining it in layman's terms, it's immediately sunk in and helped connect a lot of pieces to the puzzle...
You're gonna make me blush ;)

Well, as a matter of fact, I'm an autodidact just like a lot of people in this field. But I had the chance to practice in a lot of pro studios since 2004, side by side with a lot of great engineers, and they taught me some cool tricks. On top of that, I love to write articles and my first job was Math teacher, so I guess that those articles were kind of meant to be :)
I particularly enjoyed the Mastering at Home series. Warming up to the mixing series, though...
Warming up to the mixing series, though...

That series will resume in early January, BTW.