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article reactions [Getting started] Mixing with Myself

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  • 4 participants
Topic [Getting started] Mixing with Myself
Mixing with Myself
Given the good response our "Mastering at Home" series received, yours truly has put himself to the task of doing a similar guide dedicated to recording and mixing.

Read the article

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you wrote pages worth of a cooking analogy.....i understand an introductory piece, but telling people who want to learn more about mixing that 'mixing is getting all the instruments to work together' is like telling people that want to learn to cook that 'cooking requires food, tools and spices'

....in both cases, even the novice is left with no added value....
Hello Fatstack !

I think you misunderstood my point here :

beyond the mere blending together of tracks to get a coherent whole ─ mixing is respecting the music you work with, in order to enhance the emotions it conveys.

I just wanted to state as an introduction that it's not all about technique or pseudo-recipes, it's more about people, their interpretation of music and the way each of us should put a little bit of our "inner self" in the mixing process.

I feel you, but at least give us a little taste of key things to help us get started with mixing. I suck at mixing!
Don't worry my friend, it's coming ! But this is a very long series of articles - at least 30 !

So you'll have to be patient I guess...

Anyway, I really hope it will help you and others to take your music where you want it to be ;)
Just want to say kudos and thank you for this awesome series!
The pleasure is mine ;)

Is sitting in the writers chair again.... :)
Good start and can wait to read more
I love these type of articles where the author gives up his her time to educate other musicians.

Thank you nantho

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

Thanks Angelie ;)