A guide to mixing music - Part 65
LearningDespite everything I've told you, you might still be having some trouble trying to decide which preset is the best starting point for your song. Even more so considering that software makers are usua…
A guide to mixing music - Part 64
LearningBy now, after several articles dealing with the different reverb types, you ought to be able to determine which families match better the goals you have in mind. Now it's up to you to decide which pr…
A guide to mixing music - Part 63
LearningThis week we'll finish our overview of the different reverb families addressing the biggest one among them: Rooms.
A guide to mixing music - Part 62
LearningToday we'll look into chamber and ambience reverbs.
Choosing the right bit-depth for your session
LearningIn this article we hope to demystify the issue of session bit depth, and look at what are the best bit-depth settings for recording and mixing.
A guide to mixing music - Part 61
LearningAs we continue looking at the different reverb families, we'll focus this time on plate and hall reverbs.
How to personalize your DAW to fit your work style
LearningYour DAW is your most important piece of software — the heart of your studio. Most DAWs offer a lot of features that you can customize to fit your taste and the way you work. Since you use your DAW s…
A guide to mixing music - Part 60
LearningRegardless of whether your reverb is algorithmic or convolution, chances are the plug-in you use provides different types of reverb. And, in my view, the choice of reverb type is crucial to get the e…
A guide to mixing music - Part 59
LearningAs we saw in the previous article, it's often better to use reverbs on auxiliary buses. Consequently, it's only logical to ask yourself about the best way to send a signal to those aux buses.
A guide to mixing music - Part 58
LearningBefore you start working with reverb, you need to set up a couple of things. That's why this week we'll look into the different routing options available and examine their advantages and disadvantage…
A guide to mixing music - Part 57
LearningIn this episode we'll point out a couple of things to avoid when dialing in reverb settings.
Editing, mixing and finishing your podcast
LearningIn the first installment of this two-part series, we looked at various options for recording a podcast. This time around, we’ll examine how to edit and assemble your podcast.
A guide to mixing music - Part 56
LearningToday I'll describe how we will be proceeding to be able to work with reverbs in all tranquility.
A guide to mixing music - Part 56
Hot newsToday I'll describe how we will be proceeding to be able to work with reverbs in all tranquility.
A guide to mixing music - Part 55
LearningWe have now reached a stage where it seems appropriate to start unwrapping those nice little reverb plug-ins you all have lying around.