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Akai Professional EA-G80 - " works well"
translatedhello So it's a friend who offered me / giving, I was looking for a hi-fi elements to enhance the sound of audio K7 (K7 on a plate) to the re-encoding of vintage (and certainly not expensive ^ ^ )…
Akai Professional ea.a2 - " Surprise!"
translatedAnd I thought being alone in this thing ... Performance rather surprising for what is to my knowledge one of the only graphic equalizers Akai ... Connectivity is made entirely in CAR ("line" and…
Akai Professional ea.a2 - outhline's review
translated- UTILIZATION - SOUND QUALITY - OVERALL OPINION For the record I bought in a flea market 40 Ablis but I could not believe it too, especially since I did not think Akai qualiseurs graphic …