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Feeltune Rhizome Available

Feeltune announces the release of the Rhizome groove machine, a hybrid in which you install virtual instruments and effects in a VST/VSTi format (For Pc).

With the Rhizome you choose the style of sound and instruments you want to play. Once downloaded you can mix your plug-in with the mixing desk; create your sequences, patterns and tracks with the multi modes and multi tracks sequencer which is the brain working behind the scene.


Here is what Feeltune had to say:

“The Rhizome is not just a keyboard with a Pc or a Pc Rack; it is a real musical instrument which has been designed for the pleasure to play and compose music and is equipped with software running an innovative interface with numerous displays and controller.”


The Rhizome is a real time instrument: programming, recording, sampling, adding instruments and effects, tuning. There is no interruption when you play on stage or record in a studio. The development of the Rhizome took several years of R&D; 50 engineers and the validation of around 10 user groups.

  • For the Audio it is RME that does the job
  • For the display, the Rhizome offers 4 large displays (24 bits colors).
  • For the controllers; the Rhizome has 102 controllers in which you find 16 dynamic pads and 32 endless knobs.
  • You get the Windows XPE which is a version of Windows XP Pro that has been redesigned and compiled especially for Feeltune. It offers a better stability and a total compatibility with VSTs.
  • For the effects and instruments; some of them have been developed by Ohm Force.
  • Intel processor and mother board, server AC, silent fans.
  • Software, proprietary electronic card and box: build, assemblage and control in France.
  • Connections: The several in/out allow you to connect and use screens, mouse, midi controllers; hard disk and/or additional audio card.
  • Communication: The Rhizome is the first instrument to implement CopperLan; a new protocol that above the Midi transcription is designed to revolutionize communication between audio-video machines.


The Rhizome will be available in three configurations (SE, XE and UXE) each with different specifications. Check the Feeltune website for details.

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