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New to tube amps - is standby important when turning off?

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Topic New to tube amps - is standby important when turning off?
Question explains it all. I have some friends with tube amps that constantly cut off or malfunction and I wonder if they didn't properly take care of their amps.

I have a fender blues junior (tube amp w/o a standby switch), but have also experimented with an Orange TH30C combo (tube amp with standby switch). I know that, while in standby, the amp is able to heat up the tubes, but have alwyas been confused as to why it is important to put the amp in standby when turning off?
It's not necessarily important to put your amp on standby when turning it off. This is just a great habit to get into so that way you never forget to put it on standby when turning ON the amp (which is much more important)