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Translated user reviews
Rebel KB20 - " Or rebel, adopt a hive ..."
translated20W transistor amp, it looks very strong. An input, a mono output, equalization, gain a button. UTILIZATION Possible action: button gain, noise louder SOUNDS My god, it was ugly, it sizzles…
Rebel KFS-1U - death's review
translatedIt's a footswitch on / off ease of use (expl: bypass a multi-effect, run a drum machine ... ets)
Rebel KFS-1U - nksa's review
translatedI use it for more than five years as sustain pedals, and it suits me, it slides from a short so I find the look a bit far with the foot, but it can be rsolu! It's an all or nothing PDAL is - say y…
Rebel K60AM - Ythad_Viny's review
translatedI feel like the only one on this earth to own this amp! brief, yet ... here was my first electric acoustic amp. It is a 60W transistor. The beast weighs his weight, and that's saying somethin…