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Behringer Preamp Booster PB100
Behringer Preamp Booster PB100
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Tchix Tchix
Published on 08/23/08 at 10:29
Plastic box looking solid.

1 LED to indicate on / off.

3 settings: BASS, GAIN, TREBLE

We would love a knob for medium ... but that price should not chippoter!
9 / 10


Extremely simple ...

We would love a knob for medium ... but that price should not chippoter!
9 / 10


The effect has variable efficacy, depending on your guitar and your amp or your effects loop.

Example: The impact is felt less with active pickups that with passive pickups (tested).

With my little amp 5Watt any lights, it makes quickly saturate the preamp and lamp cruncher is all beautifully.

Ass a POD it depends largely on the simulation used!

It's a little buzz if it rises too much knob. But the effect is quite limited and synthetic BASS and TREBLE. By winning against the knob really works and exponentially on the tube amp. And it sounds ...

Must find the right setting.


Recently I use and I'm happy.

Value / unbeatable price.

Good preamp pedal to use on tube amp and sparingly.
10/10 if used in good condition