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Behringer Preamp Booster PB100
Behringer Preamp Booster PB100
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«  With distinction »

Published on 11/20/10 at 12:25
It is a "augmenteur" volume for those who want to choose between two levels of volume preset (one without activation of the pedal and the other with).
It can be very handy when solo or when in the presence of a passage where the other instruments cover ours.
Behringer plastic but then surely very strong. So Manuel


Behringer manual or not, you end up alone!
Anyway, product settings are neither dense nor complicated ...
It gets very easily what we want.
One thing though: we want a neutral effect and we find ourselves with two buttons to adjust the level of low and high ... Not very logical ... I would have preferred a single volume knob.


Was almost perfect, the adoption was going well until I try without my bass pedal and I realize that the pedal, even disabled, was crunchée.
Bypass rotten.
And it's really a shame because the little crunch that resulted pleased me well! I would have kept it as "pedal crunch if it had been felt once déactivée.
Since I took the EHX Nano LPB-1 and I have this sound problem.


I sold because I wanted a neutral effect on the sound.