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[Musikmesse] Torpedo, ready to fire...

During the Musikmesse, Two Notes Audio Engeneering presented the final version of their innovative project, the Torpedo VB-101 modelisation loadbox for guitars and basses.

So, you think that modelisation is the most common and un-original thing in the world of guitars these days? That anything digital will necessarily spoil the dynamics of your sound? That there’s no way of getting a proper recording of your beloved and powerful amp head at home without putting your good relationship with your neighborhood in sheer jeopardy? Well, think again, as the Torpedo’s lethal combination of a loadbox and several cab simulations is here to introduce a brand new perspective in the world of guitar and bass recording.

The Torpedo will be shipped with 16 default cabinet modelisations (8 for guitars and 8 for basses), all based on the most popular models used in professional studios; in the future, additional cab simulations will be released, some will even be made available for free on a monthly basis for registered users (all in all, the Torpedo’s internal memory can contain up to 32 cab sims at any time). Adjustable settings for each cabinet include back openness (not just “open” and “closed” but 0 to 100% and every degree in-between), microphone type (8 different studio microphones were modelised), 2D microphone position (you can even set it at the back of the cabinet!), miking distance, loudspeaker distortion level, and a “shaping” section including studio effects such as a compressor, an enhancer, a low-cut filter, and a spacialization effect.

And, for you, computer addicts, all parameters can also be remotely controlled via USB through a dedicated software which allows for real-time editing of all parameters—a feature which should prove particularily useful in the context of a recording studio.

Later this year, a software tool allowing to capture the signature sound of your very own equipment on the Torpedo will also be released, thus allowing touring bands to take their studio sound with them on stage in a most convenient way.

The Torpedo shall start shipping by May 2008. It is of course too early to say if it will cause the same revolution in professional studios that the Pod once did, but it already seems that several renowned professional musicians and producers are already looking towards this innovative box with great interest…

* 19" rack format loadbox/DI with a maximum admittible power of 150W RMS
* 16 (8+8) cabinets modelized for guitars and basses
* Comprehensive settings, such as the possibility to place your virtual microphone behind the cabinet
* “Shaping” section allows to plug the Torpedo directly into the soundboard with no need for extra effects
* Mono input, dual mono output
* Optimised cooling system to guarantee total safety
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