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Boss CE-2 Chorus - Modded by Keeley
Boss CE-2 Chorus - Modded by Keeley
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« Super thick chorus »

Published on 01/27/12 at 14:33
I should note that there are two different versions of this mod that Keeley does. One is the standard Hi-Fi mod and the other is the Speedy Hi-Fi mod. This is the Speedy Hi-Fi mod version. The pedal looks exactly the same on the outside, but Keeley helps beef up this pedal by making it more musical and giving it more speed than ever before. It helps make this pedal more versatile than it used to be.


On the outside, the pedal looks 100% stock. In fact, this is probably one of the least intrusive mods that Keeley does. Keeley is fairly well known for his major mods with all kinds of switches and extra stuff thrown on pedals, but this looks like a normal CE-2 from nearly every angle. The pedal is built like a tank, so no worries in that aspect. You can tour with this without any problems at all. The manual no longer applies to this, especially with the speedy mod. You'll probably get a sound you're not looking for if you rely on the manual. However, there are only two knobs on this thing. Even a monkey could use this.


The pedal has more headroom than the last one, so it tends to stay cleaner than before. You don't have that nasty distortion that can sometimes occur and flub out the notes. However, it never gets harsh sounding, so you don't have to worry about some super thin and sterile chorus sound. The speedy option on this pretty much doubles the rate that you can have, so you can get some real crazy kind of effects going on with this. It works great for that trippy 60s style of music, but it can sometimes be out of place in other styles. It's a super solid chorus without much nonsense or fluff thrown in like so many others.


I generally prefer rack choruses. In fact, I still do. However, if I need a solid pedal for chorus, this is probably where I'd start. There are other pedals out there that are more versatile, but this is such a solid sounding pedal that it's kinda pointless to go with others if you're just looking for that core chorus kind of sound. Keeley did a solid job.