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Boss CS-3 Compression Sustainer
Boss CS-3 Compression Sustainer
Bassistuta Bassistuta
Published on 03/15/05 at 04:03
Value For Money : Correct
It's solid
Or battery power supply
4 rglages = Volume, Tone, Attack and Sustain


The configuration is simple but then use = WARNING!
The edition of his INTERESTED is not easy but if you get there.
The knobs until the first quarter do not leave anything in the last quarter and is trs trs ugly.
Sustain us with a great buzz (prvoir a noise-gate) from the middle of the race, which challenges the prsence this option on the pedals.
I actually tried a guitar, thinking it might be n'tait not "think" for bassists. But there is no AIM at all. Too many blows and parasite, which is the height of a compression pedals.
It does not support the comparison with a Marshall or a DBX.


Trs mean not to say anything else but each must be his opinion.
The sustain is horrible and always will be a zero-if the cans in the face in concert.
The sound is not Exceeds either to half the risk of big surprises in addition to other effects.
The roundness is difficult to find trs.
All horribly lacking warmth.
It is true that AZF I trimballe has not help. But even alone, it is not convincing at all.


I have been offered my beginners.
What I saw was not too used to the end, j'tais not happy at all sound.
The particular feature I like best?? Frankly, I have not found.
C'tait my first model and then what I tried bcp silent most convincing (especially the ED1)
Report honnte quality price is not the ruin and is sold as easily.
The choice of exprience again arises since the n'tait not a purchase but if I had tried with my friends the pedals, I think that I will have bought.
She did not covenant so I sold it.