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Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
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Ikkini Ikkini
Published on 09/22/06 at 17:48
The DD-3 is an effect of providing a time limit numrique mode "hold" on which I shall return later.
with respect to connectivity, it has a mono input and two outputs (the main output can be used alone or mixed with the output line)


Use mode delay is relatively simple, we have a potentiomtre dry / wet, a level of feedback, the delay time is about two potentiomtre RULES, the one used to choose the 'scale and refine the other.
the hold function is somewhat more complicated to use, it allows to complete a small sample, one with the hard RULES potentiomtre time delay, then you must press the p dale APRS jou have the sound that you want rpter (you must hold to keep the pies that the sound is jou loop). this mode is trs INTERESTED unfortunately difficult to use.
the manual is more succinct that, despite the simplicity of the pedals, he could be more dvelopp.


The sound is enjoyable and the time limit trs mimics quite well the behavior of an analog delay.
I use it mainly with my guitar, but I use it occasionally with other instruments (synths, filters, etc.).


I am happy with the pedals trs, especially since I bought it I found a price more reasonable than that normally announced (I got it new 75 euros). between a tap tempo would welcome t for ease of use but we can not have everything ... the pedals to me quite indispensable, even if a DD5 might suit me better (the prices are so Boss levs I m'accomode trs much of this model).