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Danelectro AD-1 Forward-Reverse Delay
Danelectro AD-1 Forward-Reverse Delay
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TheMasamune TheMasamune
Published on 02/23/09 at 18:48
The Danelectro Wasabi AD-1 is a delay of 3 seconds Numrique, possdant a tap tempo (speed adjustable rptition by stamping on a switch) and a Reverse Delay, which r pte what plays upside down and a switch to select the output level
The pedals seem to be any evidence of a robust, but I was shocked to break the switch output level.
It possde at any rglages 5:
- Speed ​​rptition
- Number of Rptitions
- Hi-Cut
- Mix
- Reverse ON / OFF

It possde more output Dry, if you want to work in Stereo, and a tap tempo spar bypass.
The only real default design that I found is the Speed ​​knob, which ranges from 0 3s linear. (Go find 350ms for example, such a course: p)


The pedals are relatively easy handle.
The tap tempo also simplifies significantly the speed SETTING THE (Ex: I want a delay the black point, and I have ben! Just tapping his foot!) And in addition, it is a second switch!

Only BMOL this simplicity the button to start the reverse is not accessible by foot.
It can become good, since we have also prevents the trigger unintentionally.

Need I say more? It is a delay, not a synthtiseur.
Ah yes, the manual, which manual? It's okay, Danelectro gives a sticker


So in the end? it sounds how this delay?
And it sounds plutt ben good, and he is versatile plutt!

There may be a delay Modern Hi-Cut with 0 and all rglant tap tempo. We will then rptitions super clean and perfectly holds.

Turning well as it should be Hi-Cut and the acclrant rptitions was then a delay that dtriore as an analog (without being like, do not push it not more) inflating the sound

The Reverse when he makes a sound much, much more complex to use.
Be aware that this is not an effect Violin. You can have this impression, but you must spend time and rglages stall, and his game .. and again ...


I have this delay for over a year and it remains in my pedalboard.
I use it now, coupled with an Analog Delay (one AD-80) and they compltent trs well.
Indeed, the delays Wasabi allows relatively clean and modern, for a price drisoire enough for what it is.
Trs's tap tempo function properly designed, in another switch the dmarque my taste, other delays such as the boss, or tap tempo is the single footswitch
By the time I bought it I had no other test delay. Now APRS have several test, I never found the simplicity of the one, thanks to the tap tempo, or he had to type in a range well above.

I think it's a good trs Delay numrique for its price. Forcment it n'galera not TC or Eventide, or even the Boss DD-20, but we are in a different range.
For the price at which proposed Danelectro, it gives me a great deal!