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MXR M169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay
MXR M169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay
hthomas hthomas

« Cool delay »

Published on 04/27/12 at 22:05
The pedal is nice and compact...no bigger than a phase 90. Sound-wise it's not quite an echoplex...but does have warm tonal characteristics that remind me of the old school delay sounds. The modulation button is a nice touch and does sound similar to the tape warble heard on the echoplex. It basically varies the speed of the echo...creating a chorus effect when heard along with your original signal. This is a very subtle chorus sound...but that's how I remember (and like) it. The pedal will also self oscillate when the repeats are pushed to the max for some crazy sounds...just take care not to blow up your speakers. I did notice some very minor noise on the longer echos when playing clean bright tones, however, I've read that this is not an uncommon thing with analog pedals.


It's very easy to set up and get a good delay at any point.


I had the privilege of using an original Echoplex delay box that was lent to me years ago. After returning the Echoplex, I've relied on an inexpensive digital delay pedal that recently began to bomb out on me. After reading a lot of info and positive reviews on the MXR Carbon Copy Delay pedal, I decided to take the plunge and purchase it. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised.


My only gripe with pedals like these are the internal controls. Personally, I think the whole trimpot concept is barbaric anymore. It just doesn't make sense to make the user disassemble an entire pedal to access additional controls. I doubt it would take much for Dunlop to drill an additional 2 holes into the housing to accommodate these features. Also, take care when disassembling these things. The jack threads are made of plastic...which can cross thread very easy if the metal nut fastener is tightened too much or incorrectly.

Overall a really nice pedal. I was initially concerned that the 600ms delay wouldn't be long enough...but as it turns out...it's actually a little more than I need. Sounds cool, looks cool, and not too pricey. I think most musicians will find this a valuable addition to their setup.