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Vox Time Machine
lautricky lautricky

«  Very nice! »

Published on 04/25/12 at 06:10
This is an analog delay.
4 settings
Tap tempo technology
Setting Modern / Vintage
Switch High Fidelity / Fidelity Low

An input, an output, an output bypassed.
No stereo ...


You can set the delay time with a knob where you select "range" of time, one where we choose the delay time itself.
ex: 500 ms range, the second knob lets you choose a time between 250 and 500 ms.
A knob level (the volume of the first rehearsals wholesale)
A knob of repetition (repetition time 0 to infinite)

We get something good psyche by putting in endless rehearsals and turning the knob "Time"


The sound is very good, nothing to say. In any mode, all settings, delay plays his role perfectly.


I use it for a year. The fact that it is not a digital +, the pedal is very aesthetic. Vox thank you, thank you Joe Satriani!