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Arion SMM-1 Metal Master
Arion SMM-1 Metal Master
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MGR/scottb4101 MGR/scottb4101

« Arion Metal Master SMM-1 »

Published on 07/05/11 at 15:00
I've used the Metal Master since 1986 and it's my go-to distortion pedal for a number of reasons. I use it to play mostly Metal/Punk Rock styles.

Bought this pedal the first time at the local Guitar Center after trying out a bunch. I;ve since bought two additional units off of ebay for about 15-5 each.

Back in the eighties, I was looking for a dirty distortion pedal since a lot of the distortion pedals sounded like the DOD's - really clean smooth distortion. I used the Rat, which is great for metal dirt, but its way too squeaky and trebly for my tastes. (A Rat, squeaky? No way!). Part of my sound is getting GOOD feedback out of my Fender Showman, and the Rat just couldn't do it, it only got squelch. The Metal Master has great bass resoinse from the EQ, enabling me to control the squelch.

I agree with the other reviewer about the unecessary and somewhat confusing direct/soft output option. I've only ever used the direct out.

This is the biggest problem of the pedal and why I've had to buy three of them since the 80's. Cheap, plastic parts. The stomp part of the pedal is cheaply made and will break. The 9V Battery covering almost always pops off and gets lost or breaks and won't stay attached. The battery wires are easily pulled off making the battery power non-functioning. The input/output jacks are cheap and will end up popping quickly.

When I bought this pedal, everyone tried to talk me out of it. However, I have yet to find a distortion pedal that can sound metal/punk and still be able to get good tube feedback. If anyone can recommend a pedal that fits this bill, let me know! Until then I'll be stocking up on these everytime I see one for sale used. It goes to show that you should always try things out to find what works for YOU, instead of following what everyone else is using

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com