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Bixonic EXP-2000R
Bixonic EXP-2000R
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«  This pedal has a grain! »

Published on 01/19/12 at 10:13
A pedal that delivers a very specific 4 different sounds depending on the possible combinations do the little switches: a crunch, an overdrive, a saturation and sustain an explosion, grain, and feedback!

It's an analog pedal, true bypass, what is most basic.



The Expandora is easy to use a footswitch to engage the back of the pedal is a small diagram showing combinations of the mini switches for 4 types of sounds, and 3 knobs, "Gain", "Tone "and" Level ". The first 3 sounds are very simple to set, the fourth is slightly more complicated, and there he must play to tame the mad scientist's (called "Forbidden" on the back of the pedal).


Personally, I find all this pedal sounds very good! Warm, responsive, a little fat, you can pretty much attack if you put a good amp and a good shovel in the ass, the crunch, overdrive and saturation are very well their taff, sound punchy and fat enough The major flaw (yes) is that it lacks low bass, it sounds a bit empty if the assistant to a clean sound at once, this effect disappears if he sticks a good crunch sound: for its already a good dirty rock is where I prefer it. But the interest of this pedal is just the sound "invincible" when you have enjoyed, we want more! We shall make shit everywhere intro riffs, solos, bridges, I stuffed a melted lump! This sound is not very progressive on the pedal, but on arriving to play the guitar volume, you come to draw really special crunches with crunches, it seems that the amp will "make the soul "as others say! And this is qu'je became an old redneck stuffed with testosterone: to experiment with the sound of this pedal is dangerous for the Portuguese! But as soon as we know it under control, there is no limit to the grain and sustain at will!

All albums post-Eliminator ZZ Top are attackable fingers in the Jew, especially Mescalero, as it surely had to use a little more, and finally more clearly. Reproduce the sound of Rhythmeen is impossible, as the sound of Antenna, but you would bring with varying degrees of success. M'enfin, we never reach the quality and the grain of the Reverend, who is a genius in this field.


Great pedal, well made, with sounds very interesting, it offers an interesting and varied sonic palette. Considering the price when you get to have OCCAZ ', it offers a good alternative to a lot of saturated / overdrive.