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Moen DM Distortion Master
Moen DM Distortion Master
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Disto14 Disto14
Published on 10/17/09 at 14:33
Value For Money : Excellent
What are the effects or types of effects available?
Distortion pedals that offers three types of distortion:
- Color: supposed to be transparent and crystal clear (in fact it is more acute load)
- Hot: signal asymtrique: distortion rich in harmony (with many mdiums) which is a little fuzz
- Scratch: grunge type distortion type DS-1
What technology is used? (Analog, numrique, lamp ...)
true analog bypass

3 rglages in addition slecteur distortion:
- Volume
- Tone
- Distortion

Casing in mtal trsrsistante very solid and painting.


Configuration gnrale Is it easy?
very simple

The edition of sound effects or is it easy?
one turns and runs

Unlike most other pedals Moen limits, it offers rglages trs ruffed by varying the knobs.

BMOL small, there are significant volumes of diffrence between the three modes. In fact, it plays on the legalization when switching from one mode to another. Forcment when moving from a harmonically rich distortion trs medium (Hot) with one another legalization V (scratch), a decrease forcment the medium and suddenly the volume down too. We must therefore adjust.


This PDAL INTERESTED Offers a variety of distortions. The three modes have their intrt.

COLOR: trs twang, ideal for rhythmic shear, for against, not great for solos. It is loaded in acute and may pter ears! <img class="smiley" src="https://fr.audiofanzine.com/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_biggrin.gif" alt="biggrin" />

HOT: a few bites on the fuzz. Perfect for solos, has sent good. A low gain, a sound like an overdrive blues genre, the knob "distortion" has a really important varieties of the trs.

SCRATCH; trs grunge distortion and sounds of hell. on the other hand, it is raugmenter volume when we select.

BMOL small: there is a little out of breath (especially on the scratch mode). Finally, you hear a dj distortion pedals without breath?

The sound samples here. ( http://www.moenpedals.com/effects/samples/MO-DM_Distortion_Master.mp3 )


How long have you use it?
I for 1 year

What is the particular feature you like best and least?
Trs large sectional in the sounds. Trs a good distortion pedal to have as a board (which I did)
I like the less noise you hear more about the scratch mode when not playing (forcment) but still everything is acceptable.

Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
I possd a lot of distortion so I could compare allgrement

How do you report qualitprix?
Excellent quality price

Exprience with, you will do again this choice? ...