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Snarling Dogs Mold Spore Wah
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«  Psychedelico-noisy »

Published on 09/21/13 at 12:41
analog effect combining a ring modulator and a wah.


name of control a little psychedelic, difficult to navigate at first but once the pedal it will hand all alone.


Wah in the tradition Snarling dog, deep and "fat". Much more fun just another crybaby. Different variation on the filter available.
The ring mod when it is a very particular. Aggressive, noisy and derailed quickly. Néamoins it is interesting because the frequency can be modulated by the foot, along with the wah! It happens quickly a kind of vocal sounds as if the pedal was talking about. (Some videos on youtube shows). Effect that "noiseux" might enjoy.


I concidére a bit like Old Gregg wah. If the wah is a standard Snarling dog in the ring mod when it was EXTREMELY rude, noisy and messy it does not come out all the time (just like old gregg).
I had the chance to chopper for all expensive, the prices are insane ebays. Even if the pedal is "rare", its build quality is not the most exemplary and ring mod effect is not as frequently used as an overdrive or fuzz. Even if it is a pedal that I love because I doubt very original ca worth 250euros.

fun element, the size of the inductor (responsible for the wah filter) is huge!