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HOW TO Connect a deck to PC Speakers?

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Topic HOW TO Connect a deck to PC Speakers?


I have a deck (Gemini XL 500 II) and I would like to use it only for listening to vinyls. I don't want to spend a lot of money so I though about using my speakers logitech Z3 (http://pan.fotovista.com/dev/3/1/02665013/l_02665013.jpg).

What's the easiest and cheapest way to connect my deck to these speakers? Do I need a pre amp? Just a phono amp?....

Thks for your help!

[ Post last edited on 06/10/2010 at 04:09:21 ]

I had an answer on another forum. So basically, you just connect your deck to a phono preamp like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Black-Phono-Pre-amplifier-Built-Equalisation/dp/B000NJ4KPO/ref=pd_cp_ce_0

Then you get the output from RCA to 3.5mm female adapter ( http://www.amazon.co.uk/LINDY-AV-Adapter-Cable-Female/dp/B001FYW0NU/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1276182949&sr=1-13 ) and then you are able to plug the 2.1 speakers (male 3.5mm) directly on this.

Do you think it is possible without any risks for the speakers? Do you think the sound will be loud enough (the speakers will amplify it enough)?

Thank you!