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Quad Hifi 405
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Fred160656 Fred160656

«  The "thread" that amplifies »

Published on 06/18/11 at 02:41
I own this amp since 1977 (it said) was revised (changing the power supply capacitors there are now seven or eight years.
It's indestructible, transparent, accurate, it is so neutral that have used it for years to amplify Studio Monitor liabilities (before buying recently active monitors) but it's always a real happiness that amplifies my Hifi speakers.
Another big advantage is that it can accept any type of load (it can easily supply the electrostatic speakers or speakers equipped with the same traditional happiness).
We still used from time to time and it is always possible to do by refurbishing QUAD UK or one of those authorized distributor.
34 years of good and loyal service ... in retrospect it was worth the investment!