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Cabasse Antigua MT3
Cabasse Antigua MT3
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fitzchevalerie fitzchevalerie
Published on 02/25/09 at 06:21
I bought these speakers it There's now two years (end December 2006).

Comparing with small focal JMlab 706V 450 euros and these speakers, I DCID to buy them, despite their more conventional design. These are pregnant at the ACSD specially refined but the basic message is l. The proof is really keen power of Maria Callas or Renee Fleming, they follow well trs montes singers, do not compress the scne. The mdium trs is open, extremely capable on the good records. The serious when it comes down low enough (within the limits of a pregnant library), in action movies (Die Hard 4), they are performing. But be careful especially not to place the speakers in the corners because the pice prpondrant becomes serious. The whole forms a sound scne open balance. And, on good recordings trs (Mlua Katie, Adele), it was a beginners of three-dimensional space, with a depth, width, and rises in frquences when the voices of singers fly away ... TRS has become beautiful. on the other hand, on bad recordings, U2 style of the 80s is not as enjoyable. And serious, is not always reproduce the serious rsonnent (group TEXAS, RED BOOK CD TRACK 7)
This is a very easy speaker, an amplifier 300 euros (Marantz, Denon), and a CD player 150euros more than sufficient to supply it with dtail (trs 2X30watts is good dj . For my part I have a Denon PMA-700AE amplifier worth between 450 and 500 euros, and an old cd-PG420A technnics Sl. They are more than sufficient electronic trs. Besides changes several months after s have described these lines: I bought the 22.02.29 at the flea market is an old amp Hitachi HA-610 1976 dusts (TRS) for 1 euro. it silent abyss Aesthetics level, with paint on the hull that leaves me thinking he took moisture for some time. The Start button no longer works, the Owner 'has chang the power wire for a wire lamp avec.l switch on the wire. This amp has its Owner 't MALTRAS for sure the amp was not working when my first was chang the switch by a sugar because it does not let the current pass. sugar feeds the amp it is plugged ds and the amp is left as 40. But we must remove the intake s we want the arrter. The image is deeper than my Denon amp is much more powerful.
Evidence before me that could still dmontr amliorer the sound on these small speakers.

As I said dj, I tried to focus. They lacked serious I think. Trs I remember well, but the silent lgrement scne sound more open, may be ...

Report qualitprix trs good, in terms of finishes, and musical quality. Scale has given five out of six, HIGH FIDELITY recommend it, and JOURNAL OF SOUND AND HOME CINEMA Jersey recommends the columns in the same range.

-Now that I have more money, j'achterais plutt Columns EUR 1000, but nanmoins for small budgets, I think they are not a REFERENCE ngliger.