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Cabasse Sloop M5
Cabasse Sloop M5
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narscht narscht
Published on 01/10/09 at 06:05
I've used the M5 Sloop for two years
I own several Cabasse models, including the M4 and M5 Sloops
I am surprised to see this&nbsp;review giving&nbsp;M4 more stars than the M5
Indeed they are very close to each other, but the M5 delivers more bass and a bit more presence than the M4 ... {comparison made with same amplifier, in same auditorium, even same setup&nbsp;}.
Quality price ratio: the two models are an excellent choice ...
With this experience would&nbsp;you again choose these models&nbsp;... Yes of course in this price range and in the&nbsp;same&nbsp;categories.Of cousre &nbsp;there are other models like the galleons or Yawl but they are&nbsp;in another world, and the budget is no longer the same.